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Fionna findley teaches ikigai and mindset
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Pregnant Fionna Findley receiving her MBA


A touch obsessive about: A good cheese platter and contributing to the world without costing health or happiness. 
Avoiding being labelled and pigeon holed since 1981

Fionna findley

I'm Fionna,
welcome to my corner
of the web,

where intuition meets neuroscience and purpose fuels professions. As a naturally curious soul and a chatterbox, building this business as a holistic life coach has been the perfect platform to guide women on their entrepreneurial journeys. Helping women create businesses from their hearts to the world has been my passion long before I had my own.

While others travel to experience a postcard perfect vacation, you will find me in nature, seeking out traditional wisdom from all continents in the world. 

I'm not looking for my "guru", I'm looking for ways to hear my own inner guru. The Japanese, Irish, Indian... they all have so much wisdom that science is only catching up to now (because there was a time I needed "proof" that my intuition was correct).

The way I love to work is that first, we have to get to know each other, I want to understand your inner world, your hopes, your dreams, your visions and with my finely tuned intuitive coaching skills I will also understand  and have insight into your fears.

Here is where my magic shines for you, as I gently guide you to what I witness, together we build a path forward and making peace with these fears (usually turning them into your greatest asset). Then, by combining the science of neuroscience, the power of intuition, and the depth of emotional intelligence, along with supporting your life purpose (finding your Ikigai), we create a personalized action plan for you to transform and experience the potential that I always see. With me by your side, it’s like having a gentle hand on your back, supporting you every step of the way.

Haven’t you ever wondered...

what the point of life is? Why are you here? I used to look around and see people mastering their craft, enjoying financial success, and jumping out of bed each morning with a sense of purpose, and I’d ponder on that A LOT.... these people looked like they had their life sorted.

This curiosity set me on a quest for knowledge—first, to understand how the body works, a need I couldn’t ignore.... plus I'm a total geek on this stuff.

Then, I started to wonder about bigger life questions: Should I have kids? What's the point? I felt happy enough, but something was missing (maybe another trip or a really good cheese platter?). For the life of me, I couldn’t put my finger on it.

It was life purpose!

For me, becoming a mom made everything click. But don’t get me wrong, you don’t need to have children to find your purpose—absolutely not! Because as I’ve learned, and continue to learn, this "purpose" evolves.

It’s about aligning your actions with your passions and values, feeling like you’re contributing to something bigger than yourself. Enter Ikigai................... It spoke to me in a language of fulfillment and peace I couldn’t ignore. It tied together everything I’d studied—nervous system regulation, yoga, mindset—into one cohesive philosophy.

So, what’s my approach? Well, it all depends. It depends on where you’re at, what you want out of life, and the choices you’re willing to make to get there.

A big part of what I do is teach you how to navigate your nervous system using a range of techniques that align with who you are. We’ll dive deep into your mindset, challenge habitual patterns, and take it one step at a time, building life skills that will serve you far beyond our work together.

Then comes my favorite part: tuning into your intuitive wisdom. You’ll learn to clear the channel, recognize your inner voice, and call upon it whenever you need it. Imagine knowing exactly what decision to make and when to make it—that’s half the battle. The actual doing? That’s the easy part.

Are you ready for this path of change? If that’s what you’re seeking, your next step is simple: it’s time to ask for help.

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What makes a great & supportive life coach?


Bridging Neuroscience and a Holistic Lifestyle

My journey began with a deep dive into Medical Science and an Executive MBA, giving me a solid grounding in health and business. But it’s not just about the textbooks—I’ve always been passionate about how neuroscience and nervous system regulation play into our daily lives. By blending this scientific knowledge with a holistic lifestyle approach, I help women connect the dots between their mind, body, and spirit, aligning their life purpose with their career and personal growth.


Guiding Women to Fulfillment and Leadership


Empowering Women with a Holistic Pathway

My unique approach blends Ikigai principles, mindset coaching, and emotional intelligence to empower women in leadership and business. I’m here to help you align your life with your values, creating a fulfilling and purpose-driven path. Together, we’ll build a life that feels balanced, meaningful, and true to who you are, using holistic practices to guide every step of the journey.


Merging Expertise in Personal and Professional Development

I’ve faced my own challenges, which have shaped me into a coach who truly understands the struggles of others. As a growth mentor and mindset coach, I specialize in helping women in business and leadership discover their true purpose. By integrating emotional intelligence, neuroscience, and holistic practices, I guide my clients toward personal and professional growth that feels authentic and fulfilling.

My education didn’t stop with formal degrees. As a certified Yoga Teacher and Emotional Anatomy practitioner, I’ve embraced mind-body-spirit practices that go beyond conventional methods. This ongoing commitment to learning, coupled with my experience as a health and life coach, enables me to mentor women in leadership, career changes, and starting small businesses, using emotional intelligence and Ikigai principles to create meaningful, personalized mentorship programs.

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Qualifications & Education

Choosing a Life Coach and or Mentor is serious business, you need to trust that they truly have your back! This is the person who will guide you through vulnerability and encourage you to take those bold steps you've been hesitant to take. 

Being a certified life coach helps support my passions for getting to truly know a person and help guide them towards a life they have always meant to live.


- Bachelor of Medical Science

- Executive MBA

- Digitial Marketing certificate

- Polyvagal Certification

- Transformational Life Coaching


Yoga teacher
- Medical scientist
- Business Mentor
- Holistic Life Coach
- Emotional Anatomy Practitioner


Online word-wide
Local: Hervey Bay, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Ireland




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